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Boulder City Council Candidates: A Guide for Real Estate  

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Boulder City Council Candidates: A Guide for Real Estate  

Part 1 of 2…

On Tuesday, November 5, Boulder residents will be able to vote for 6 city council representatives from a pool of 15 candidates. Residents will also be weighing in on ballot measures regarding tax on tobacco vaping products, middle-incoming housing, and tax extensions for open space. 

It’s an exciting time of year with the buzz of local elections all over Boulder County. Louisville and Longmont residents are voting on mayoral candidates in addition to new city council representatives. With that being said, navigating the platforms of all of the candidates can be difficult. That’s why we’re breaking down who it is you’ll be voting for and what their platforms entail, especially in terms of real estate, growth, density, and development issues. 


Aaron Brockett

Brockett is an incumbent council member of 4 years now, and was chair of the Boulder Planning Board before that. Focused on housing affordability, facilities that support cyclists and pedestrians, and supporting small businesses, Brockett intends on finishing what he started in addition to new plans. The South Boulder Creek flood mitigation project will be concluded under his watch if elected, and he looks forward to making Boulder a more inclusive place with affordable housing converted from commercial areas of town. 


Adam Swetlik 

After graduating from the University of Colorado in 2010, Swetlik has worked in marketing and operations for Bjorn’s Colorado Honey, a local honey business. Swetlik recalls always having a second job in order to afford to continue to live in Boulder. That’s why he believes so strongly in providing affordable housing in the area to boost diversity and allow people of all backgrounds to find a home in the city. Swetlik currently sits as the chair of the Boulder Housing Advisory Board, and was the head coach of the men’s rowing team at CU. 


Andy Celani

A long time Boulder resident and retired operator of Smooth Motors, a used car business that closed its doors in 2017, Celani is a firm believer in limiting growth and protecting the current infrastructure and neighborhoods of Boulder. If elected, Celani hopes to work with neighboring municipalities, especially Longmont, to finish the light rail transportation infrastructure. He also encourages “open space” by advocating for affordable housing. 


Benita Duran

A Boulder resident for 26 years, Duran began her community involvement after finishing her Masters of Public Administration degree at CU. Duran currently operates an independent consulting business focused on redevelopment in Colorado’s urban cores, and previously worked as an assistant Boulder City Manager, as well as the liaison between the Denver City Council and Denver Public Schools. If elected, Duran will focus on addressing the various housing, economic, environmental, and transportation issues that Boulder faces. 


Bob Yates 

An incumbent city council member, Yates hopes to continue building Boulder for another four years after being the top vote-getter in 2015. Yates has cited his point of view as fiscally conservative, and points out that he is the only lawyer currently on the city council. If elected, Yates will continue to focus on helping working families, small business owners, and historic preservation. Currently, Bob serves the Boulder community full time with his involvement– City  Council, Downtown Boulder Business Improvement, Boulder Convention and Visitors Bureau, are just a few of the organizations he oversees. 


Brian Dolan

Having lived in Boulder since he was two years old, Dolan looks forward to preserving and better supporting the vibrant culture that makes Boulder unique. After graduating from accounting and finance at CU, Dolan opened and currently operates a car importing business. Dolan is the co-president of the Share-a-Gift program that helps low-income families in the Boulder Valley School District, and is on the leadership team of ThinkBoulder. If elected, Dolan will be focused on addressing climate change, defining smart growth, and advocating for affordable housing. 


Corina Julca 

After winning a visa in a lottery system in 2006, Julca immigrated to the United States from Peru. A high school teacher and college instructor by training, Julca is currently a full-time mom with the help of her husband, a Colorado native who works as an electrical engineer. Julca is focused on advocating for those being displaced due to unaffordable housing, and wants to initiate programs that involve city acquisitions of apartment buildings and disincentive demolitions. Julca also vows to reduce Boulder’s carbon footprint and advocate for clean energy practices. 


Gala Wilhelmina Orba 

Orba has been calling Boulder home since 2009, after being educated in actuarial science, teaching, dance, and arts across the U.S and internationally. Since settling in Boulder, Orba opened her own career and life coaching company called Earthbound Life Coaching. If elected, she vows to focus on protecting Boulder’s Arts scene by supporting indoor spaces for artists. The discussion of a single-use plastics ban will be brought to the table as well. As a woman who owns her own business, Orba plans on advocating for women, people of color, and other vulnerable populations and their foray into entrepreneurship.


Voters can find information on where to vote, when to vote, and how to register on the City of Boulder’s website
