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Boulder City Council Candidates: A Guide for Real Estate, Part 2

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Boulder City Council Candidates: A Guide for Real Estate, Part 2

Part 1 of 2…

On Tuesday, November 5, Boulder residents will be able to vote for 6 city council representatives from a pool of 15 candidates. Residents will also be weighing in on ballot measures regarding tax on tobacco vaping products, middle-incoming housing, and tax extensions for open space. 

It’s an exciting time of year with the buzz of local elections all over Boulder County. Louisville and Longmont residents are voting on mayoral candidates in addition to new city council representatives. With that being said, navigating the platforms of all of the candidates can be difficult. That’s why we’re breaking down who it is you’ll be voting for and what their platforms entail, especially in terms of real estate, growth, density, and development issues. 

To view the other candidates, see Part 1 of this post.


Junie Joseph 

Joseph is a world citizen, and began her dedication to human rights when she was just 17 years old. After immigrating to the U.S from Haiti at 14, Joseph found herself teaching English to adults who were newcomers to America. Her post secondary education and training brought her to Englang, South Africa, the United Nations in Geneva, and the Ivory Coast, where she fought for human rights and accessibility in law. Currently a law student at CU, Junie knows the struggle of not being able to find affordable housing, and looks forward to advocating for herself and the many marginalized people who can’t afford to live in Boulder. She also looks forward to management open space, economic sustainability, and flood mitigation. 


Mark McIntyre 

After graduating from the University of Colorado with a B.F.A, McIntyre worked in the solar power industry. In true entrepreneurial Boulder fashion, McIntyre went on to start his own engineering sales business that was recently sold after 32 years of service. If elected, McIntyre will focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing the many infrastructure issues Boulder faces. It’s only fitting that as a Transportation Advisory Board member, McIntyre is passionate about improving the current transportation infrastructure and mobility, as well as increasing housing affordability. 


Mark Wallach 

No stranger to politics, Wallach’s advocacy dates back to 1971 where he worked in voter registration in Mississippi on behalf of civil rights leaders. After that, he worked as a speechwriter for U.S senators. Professionally, Wallach is a real estate and corporate attorney, and is a real estate developer himself. He hopes to initialize efforts to rezone industrial land to residential space and addressing the need for more available housing by converting existing real estate assets. 


Nikki McCord 

A current member of the Community Action Programs of Boulder, and commissioner of the Boulder Housing Partners, it’s hard to believe that McCord only joined the Boulder community a decade ago. Professionally, McCord owns a consulting business that provides governance, diversity, and recruitment services. If elected, she’ll be focusing on the sustainability of Boulder’s affordable housing, raods, bike and pedestrian paths, and sewers. Her second priority will be to create a safe space for all in Boulder, including those marginalized by race, gender, sexuality, and age. 


Paul Cure 

Cure has lived in Boulder for over 20 years and has since made himself right at home. He and his wife co-founded Cure Organic Farm, and became the first organic farm to lease Boulder-owned open space that is dedicated to agriculture. An avid contributor to the culture that Boulder has to offer, Cure is the VP of Historic Boulder, and is a committee member of the Conference on World Affairs event. Cure hopes to prioritize equitable housing, job creation at all economic levels, and improving transportation in Boulder. 


Rachel Friend 

After graduating from law school at Notre Dame, Friend represents asylum seekers who have been detained and imprisoned by federal immigration authorities. In addition to her law practice, Friend teaches criminal justice at Front Range Community College, co-chairs the South Boulder Creek Action Group, and volunteers her time to Moms Demand Action and Colorado Ceasefire advocacy groups. If elected, Friend will be focusing on transparency between city council and citizens, addressing climate change efforts, and advocating for marginalized groups. 


Susan Peterson 

A recently retired professional engineer, Peterson has been working on bringing green solutions to Boulder and beyond for her entire career. She also contributes to Boulder’s community and culture as the co-founder of The Blue Line, a nonprofit that informs Boulder residents about political and controversial community issues. If elected, she’ll advocate for better management of development within the city by preserving the local “natural beauty”. She notes that such preservations are aligned with fighting climate change and will foster a diverse and sustainability community. 


Voters can find information on where to vote, when to vote, and how to register on the City of Boulder’s website
