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By Rachel Rohrig, Associate Broker with Market Real Estate Boulder is widely known for its credo of green. For this year's Earth Month, the city launched Boulder.Earth to “foster awareness, collaboration and connectivity for increased impact on environmental and social justice in Boulder, CO.” Boulder has a handful of other initiatives too, such as the Take Action campaign (geared toward residential action) and an aggressive set of energy and emissions goals: 100% renewable electricity by 2030 80% city organization emissions reduction by 2030 100 MW of local renewable generation by 2030 80% community emissions reduction by 2050 Become a ZERO WASTE community by 2025 How do these various

By Sean McManus, Associate Broker with Market Real Estate I am a fan of the Denver International Airport, not only for its unique architectural history, but for the way it handily supports this growing market. As the airport endeavors to complete the Great Hall renovations that will, among other things, alleviate the infamous bottleneck security lines, we take a look at some of the key facts and developments in the airport’s history. Delivered $3.3 billion over budget (in today’s dollars) and 16 months late, it had a rough start. Add to that the ill-fated baggage system which kicked-dropped bags to the carousels

It is an interesting time for urban renewal in Colorado. In 2016, major changes to urban renewal law went into effect. How have those changes effected urban renewal plans in the last three years? What projects are happening around Boulder County now? Before we jump in, let’s define urban renewal. (If you’re already a whiz, skip ahead to the next paragraph.) Urban renewal is the process of redeveloping blighted urban areas. To accomplish this, the public and private sectors partner on a development project. On the public side, cities finance part of the project through future tax revenue (projected to result

As many of you know (because we are just so excited about it!), the historic building at the corner of 11th Street and Walnut Street in downtown Boulder is nearing the completion of a hefty remodel. There is so much to share about this building, from its history as the former home of The Walrus Saloon (1973-2017) to its original wood headers (the stuff we real estaties geek on). After almost two years of ambitious renovations, the building approaches its debut. To mark the forthcoming occasion, we have put together a list of fun tidbits about the redeveloped property. Don’t

Since 2011, commercial real estate in Boulder County has seen a surge of investment. Not only from those traditionally involved in commercial real estate, but from many new players as well. Below are four factors that we see driving this change. 1. Market Volatility 2018 saw broad swings of market volatility causing scores of investors to punt on stocks and bonds and look to alternative investment classes such as private equity and commercial real estate. Real estate investments are known for stability and a reliable cash flow both of which are concerns raised by volatile markets. Commercial real estate investment is (most

Not a day goes by without news of yet another coworking brand being launched. Last week, Staples announced plans for launching their own coworking brand (apart from former partner WorkBar). Los Angeles-based commercial real estate giant CBRE just announced plans to launch its own coworking brand, with its first location in Dallas. Coworking Has Gone Corporate In their mid-nineties infancy, coworking spaces were created by entrepreneurs, hackers, and artists. Not property managers and certainly not real estate developers. But over the last fifteen years, an entirely new model of real estate has taken shape. Now we are seeing established developers, investors, brokers and property

Happy New Year, everyone. And welcome back to the grind in beautiful Boulder, Colorado. To kick things off, we are taking a look at a topic that may come up for you this year. You’ve probably heard the words buzzing around… Opportunity Zones. The 2017 tax reform package (Tax Cuts and Jobs Act) enacted the program, which provides tax incentives for investments in opportunity zones, so designated due to their persistently depressed growth. Investors who buy, develop and hold properties for at least 10 years pay no capital gains taxes upon the property’s sale, among other incentives. Across the country, there are

This year was a significant one for commercial real estate in Boulder County. The meaning is obvious: it was a good year for business. The Boulder market rarely struggles to thrive, even in recession years, but the remarkable change we are seeing recently is the increasing number of big entities taking an interest in Boulder. Google. 2018 was the highly anticipated year in which Google opened the doors to a newly constructed Boulder campus (northwest corner of 30th Street and Pearl). While phase one officially created over 800 jobs, more will be added in phase two at the end of 2019.

In real estate, a good CPA is worth her or his weight in gold, so we don't toss around recommendations lightly. One CPA we stand behind is Ernest Villany and his team at Boulder Valley CPAs. Recently, we asked Ernie, what is the secret to your success? And here is the moving answer he provided: The secret to my success is really no secret at all. It's my team and how we have worked to nurture and support one another.  In the eight years since I arrived in Colorado I have had the good fortune (and maybe wisdom) to attract, hire and retain some amazing
