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Client Spotlight: The Arbor Institute

Client Spotlight The Arbor Institute - Thumbnail

Client Spotlight: The Arbor Institute

Joining the cultural hub of Boulder will be a non-profit that is driven by arts, meditation, an ecological awareness. 

1708 13th Street, one of our favorite commercial properties in Boulder, was recently sold to an eager and innovative David Levitt of the Arbor Institute. Joining classic attractions near Boulder’s Central Park, including BMOCA and the Dushanbe Teahouse, the Arbor Institute aims to become a staple in the Boulder community.

David Levitt is a long time architect, real estate developer, artist, and sculptor. Due to the current climate crisis that we’re all facing, Levitt decided that it was time to put his money where his mouth is. Combining fine arts, contemplative practices, and ecological awareness, the Arbor Institute will inform the community of various ways that the planet is being destroyed; and then begin facilitating the healing process. What is the impact that we’ve had on the planet? How can we fix it? How do we do it in a holistic and engaging way? These are all questions that Levitt aims to answer and he’s using the space on 13th Street to do it.

As for the space itself, the Arbor Institute is still under construction with its doors expected to open in early November. The remodel will result in a multi-purpose gallery, exhibition space, offices, and meeting spaces that will host environmental, artistic, and spiritual endeavors ranging from events, classes, exhibitions, and workshops.

With goals this big and an even bigger climate crisis looming on the horizon, Levitt left all of the heavy lifting up to Heidi from Market Real Estate. Purchasing a commercial property can seem daunting and finding the perfect place can feel impossible sometimes. Heidi offers responsive and energetic insights, making the deal for 1708 13th Street an easy choice for Levitt.
