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Enjoying a Socially Distanced Summer in Boulder

Enjoying a Socially Distanced Summer in Boulder

Summer is not cancelled, it’ll just be a bit different. Boulder summers are typically filled with live music, large festivals, and lots of outdoors time in the surrounding parks and mountains. Coloradans are seeing the gradual reopening of the state, and we’re now in the Safe at Home in the Vast, Great Outdoors Phase. This is one step closer to “getting back to normal”, especially since Boulderites are spoiled with the opportunities to be outdoors. While things are changing every day around the state, you can still begin planning your summer plans while socially distancing, especially for those who now have to find a replacement for the Zoom classroom. Here are some of the best ways to enjoy your socially distanced summer in Boulder!

Get Creative

This has never been a challenge around here, and it definitely won’t continue to be with the help of Zoom and social distancing measures in person. George Reynolds Branch is hosting a series of “Masterclass” esque workshops for the both adults and kids. With First Fridays Food Labs, they’ll be trying out new flavors and exploring fan favorite foods. For the kiddos, a Summer of Discovery will feature a series of workshops that focus on learning new skills and exploring different hobbies. They’ll be kicking off with a “Make Your Own Journal” event.

There are also a variety of summer camps in the area offering up chances for students to stay sharp outside of school. Studio Arts Boulder Pottery Lab is hosting a daily pottery workshop that has both morning camp and afternoon camp options. The cherry on top? An option to add a supervised lunch.

Boulder Public Library

The BPL has always helped our region get creative, educated, and engaged. Their summer schedule this year is not different, with a huge range of special events and regular programming. Spanish class, virtual storytime, online conversations, henna workshops, poetry writing, and their usual Online Go Club for Kids & Teens all dot the event calendar. It’s definitely safe to say that there is something for everyone at the BPL. While the library itself isn’t accepting returns, carryout service is available at the main branch.


What often feels like the heart and soul of Colorado is the great outdoors. Parks are quintessential for any summer, and thankfully, they’ll still be in the picture for exploring this year. The infamous Trail Ridge Road through Rocky Mountain National Park is re-opening, and the park itself will require online reservations for the time being to maintain social distancing.

The Safe at Home in the Vast, Great Outdoors Phase means Colorado State Parks are open, and camping is fair game in both state and private parks. It also means that things like “whitewater rafting, jeep tours, and other guided outdoor activities” are permitted up to groups of 10. Non-medical facial coverings to protect others is encouraged.

Get Active

Going hand in hand with parks reopening is the chance to get active. Recreational activities being able to operate again means that gyms and fitness centers are reopening. However, they’re forced to operate at 25% capacity and must abide by the maximum 10 person capacity rule. Of course, 6-feet of social distancing is encouraged, and the regular disinfection of equipment and surfaces will be implemented.

For those looking to get active at home, The Recess Factory is still hosting their Quarantine 5K Run, which is actively aiming to support local and small businesses who may be suffering during this time nationwide. If you’re looking to try something new, Frequent Flyers Aerial Dance is hosting summer camps for youth and teens that range from 3-5 days. If you’re in the market for a more traditional summer camp, Avid4 Adventure is still hosting their camps and day programs. Let the kiddos explore their mountain biking, climbing, and camping programs while resting assured that an extensive COVID opening plan is in place to keep everyone safe and protected.

What do you have planned this summer?

It’s still possible to be overwhelmed with all of the fun summer opportunities, despite new precautions to protect everyone from the threat of COVID-19. This time is crucial for us to continue to be engaged with the community and stay united, despite being physically distanced. Thankfully, today’s tools and resources make it easier than ever to do that.
