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Fighting Hunger with Community Food Share’s Corporate Challenge

Fighting Hunger with Community Food Share’s Corporate Challenge - Thumbnail

Fighting Hunger with Community Food Share’s Corporate Challenge

Community Food Share (CFS) is a food bank based in Boulder and Broomfield Counties that provides fresh, nutritious food to the community via onsite and mobile food pantries and various partners. In addition to keeping Boulder and beyond fed, CFS zeroes in on the problem of what is called summer hunger, the food insecurity families face during the summer months when they no longer access school-provided meals. With school closures and work disruptions due to COVID-19, the situation this year is even more dire.

What is Summer Hunger?

Many students receive up to two free meals and reduced prices on meals at school. When summer comes, families no longer receive this help, making what would be a fun vacation instead a difficult time. (Note that some schools provide lunch pickups at select locations around the community.) With the help of CFS, these families still get a helping hand. One dollar donated is equivalent to three meals, which means it only takes $40 to provide a summer full of meals for one student.

The Challenge

For the last 25 years, CFS has hosted the Corporate Challenge which gives local businesses a chance to compete in their support of the summer hunger campaign. Throughout the challenge, CFS keeps a tally of participating companies’ monetary and food donations, their involvement in volunteer projects, and promotion of the challenge! Naturally, we love a bit of competition, but what we love even more is a chance to rally community members to support a worthy cause.

Market Real Estate is Taking it in the Face!

This year we’re hoping to raise $8,000, which is enough to provide 24,000 meals. We’ll be announcing incentives for members of the Boulder community who donate to CFS pledging under the Market Real Estate company name. And, importantly, anyone who donates $200 or more will get to throw a pie in the face of one of our brokers (while adhering to all social distancing rules of course!).

Your Turn

To support the effort, visit the Corporate Challenge donation page and make sure to select Market Real Estate under Additional Gift Information. Remember, $200 = pie to the face.

Of course, this is more important than ever right now, since many people in the Boulder and Broomfield communities are losing critical income sources. We hope that we can all come together and give to those who most need it.
