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How an Events Company is Still Bringing People Together in a Time of Isolation

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How an Events Company is Still Bringing People Together in a Time of Isolation

While social distancing has impacted the economy in unprecedented and, at times, scary ways, we are heartened by some of the innovation already emerging.

One local company, The Recess Factory, which organizes walks, runs, and other large scale events around Boulder County, has had all April and May events cancelled or rescheduled. But that didn’t stop founder David Janowiec from doing what he always does: bringing people together for a common cause. This time, he’s rallying people from quarantine. 

When the Recess Factory teamed joined the community in social distancing, Janowiec noticed that people were walking and running outside more than ever before. Because a lot of his event planning experience lies in big events like charity walks and runs, Janowiec and his team put together the Quarantine 5K. This virtual run series lets runners submit their 5K running times (although the website mentions that you don’t have to run at all if it’s not your thing!) for four different “run” dates, that of course are arbitrary as these are virtual runs. Proceeds from the run will go to various local businesses which are selected by runners. 

The goal of the Q5K is for participants to become extra conscious about which businesses they support right now. Perhaps it means paying a little more or making a little more effort to ensure a local or sustainable purchase, but during a time of national travesty, Janowiec says this kind of community support is what will keep everyone going. It’s also a way to keep runners feeling engaged, practicing physical distancing, but not social distancing.

To date, there have been people registered from 20 different states. Recess Factory’s contact list is large and varied, with recipients from their hockey events to OktoberFest events, but people from all over are getting involved. The audience is receptive to the message: even if it’s a small percentage of people who think about their spending consciously, it can make a difference. 

Janowiec’s advice for other business owners out there who might be struggling? Diversify and get creative. Now is the time to see what else it is you can offer, whether it’s offering your services to contribute to the fight against the pandemic, or pivoting so that you offer something different. 
