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Let’s Meet this Demand: Boulder’s Food Crisis

Let’s Meet this Demand Boulder’s Food Crisis - Thumbnail

Let’s Meet this Demand: Boulder’s Food Crisis

There’s no denying that the last year or so has rocked the course of the world, especially here in Boulder and beyond. Thankfully, there are so many groups, organizations, and businesses in the community who always pull together to support those who might need it— Community Food Share has been doing this for 40 years now, and shows no signs of slowing down. Their annual Corporate Challenge is now in full force and we’re once again calling on you to help us support their efforts in keeping the Boulder community healthy.

Community Food Share noticed a 35% increase in demand for food over the last year. With schools being in and out of session, many students who rely on their schools for a healthy and substantial lunch are now left scrambling. The region itself saw an increase in food insecurity amongst the population. With so many unforeseen circumstances causing income sources to dry up or be put indefinitely on hold, it has been a difficult year to make ends meet, forcing them to skip out on the basic necessity of food.

In true Boulder spirit, the partners within the community have contributed to Community Food Share in record numbers over the last 12 months, setting a new record for the organization at a high of 13 million pounds of food distributed! Beyond those who may be food insecure, Community Food Share worked hard to deliver groceries to those who have been homebound. And, the organization launched its first permanent on-campus food pantry for students and staff of CU Boulder.

As for the team here at Market Real Estate, we’re aiming to donate our own time and money, and are calling on our community partners to pitch in where they can. It’s our goal to raise $5000 this year for Community Food Share. In 2019, we raised around $8000, which was enough to feed the entirety of Boulder county for one day! With that being said, we know that times are tough for everyone— but truly a little bit goes a long way. Every $1 donated actually results in around $5 in groceries, or enough for one meal. Every hour of volunteer work donated contributes to 90 meals for the community!

To help us reach our $5000 goal and give back to the community to provide in such trying times, you can donate via this form, and remember to select “Market Real Estate” as your team. In 2019, we won the award for raising the most money per person on our team, and we have full confidence that we’ll surpass this with your help this year.

